He was very sneaky about all this. Everyone in our church and a few other friends were invited to an open house for Josh. So everyone was there for the big question. =D
This was taken pre-proposal. In Josh's hand you can see the Cracker Jack box which contains a very special prize!
very nonchalantly hands me his Cracker Jack prize. "You want to see
what's in there?" he asks. "Sure." Says unsuspecting me. I couldn't get
it open! I was so confused, why is there tape on this one? What on earth's in it? Mine wasn't this lumpy! Daddy,
standing next to me knew that Josh was proposing that day, but didn't
know the ring was in the package. So when he sees me having so much
trouble he helps out, cutting the top open with his knife. Then I look
inside. I was completely surprised!
(As much as I love these pics I really wish you could see Josh's face in them.)
Here's the proposal video!

Josh prays over our marriage to come, and the house.
Yes we're hugging. The rules change a little when you're engaged!!
Putting on the ring.
The ring. It's so beautiful!
Flowers from Josh. Also lovely. =)
God is so good!!
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