Okay, so I know I said I wanted to post this way back in November. There were some unforeseen complications though, so I'm just now doing it. I plan to update it as I go.
1 Month Old:
These were actually taken the day he turned a month; a trend that quickly went into a spiral. :P I sadly didn't write down his developments, but I do remember a few. It seems like month one what I really noticed was an expansion in his 'baby noise vocabulary'.
2 Months Old:
These were not, as far as I can remember, taken on the actual 21st, but they were close. There were more baby sounds, and at this point he had started having different sounding cries too.
3 Months Old:
Probably my favorite of the first three, this one was a touch more formal (still not on time though). I snapped these about 5 minutes before we left for church one Sunday because he was already dressed up. As you can see, sitting up was coming right along this month. :) And yes, I did have to include ALL of these. It was about here he began to develop his 'Gabe face'. :P
4 Months Old:
This was the month things broke down. I tried to take some 'formal' pictures, but he wasn't having any of it. There was maybe one good one in the lot. The kicker? I can't find ANY of them! So here are some random photos near the 21st. More Gabe face. :D Big development this month? Rolling from tummy to back. Also some laughing. he hasn't quite figured that out yet, but he's working on it. :)

5 Months old:
These were taken by Courtney at
Sacred Moments Media. I'm not remembering any big milestones for this month, but he continued to talk more, sleep less during the day, and try new things. :)
6 Months:
First two pics taken by Denalyn at
Den's Lens Photography, the rest by me before we left for church one Sunday. The ones I took are actually on the 31st, so way late, but I had to include them. At this point he'd started holding himself in a sitting position pretty well (only fell over occasionally :P), and started really venturing into big boy food. :)
7 Months:
Big milestones this month? Rolling from his back to his tummy, and getting up on his knees! He is thisclose to figuring out crawling, so that'll probably be in his 8 month update.
I don't remember who took these, but it was either me or one of the photographers already mentioned. :)
I just love this so much! Little man!
He loves Wesley. :D
8 Months:
This was my attempt at a cute photo shoot. :P The first pic I just had to include! Needless to say, after that look we decided not to use the basket as a prop. XD Oh, and he did, indeed start crawling this month.
"Is my tie straight?"
9 Months:
Well, once again this month I failed to do a monthly pic shoot, so here are a few random pics taken near the 21st. This months milestone was pulling up. :)
Love. This.
Pulling up!
Month 10:
And, this month I had a very tiny sort of photo shoot, so I included a few more. Mainly because we had kittens this month, and I had to put some pics with them in. :) Milestones included getting better at crawling and eating more and more solids.
Two from the 'sort-of photo shoot'.
Loving big boy food!
Checking on the kittens.
"It's like a bunch of tiny Wesley's!"
Month 11:
Do you take monthly baby pics? What are your traditions?