I've been sick with a cold since Friday (today is Monday) which I have managed to pass on to Gabriel poor little man. Lord willing by the time this post drips down my blog we'll both be over it, but we'll see.
I stayed home from church Sunday so as not to spread the germs with our church family, and realized at some point that I was listing things I was thankful to have while I was sick. Nothing like a good head cold to make you realize how good you've got it I guess. :P So I thought I'd put the list down on paper. Here it is in approximately the order they came to me:
1) Getting sick over the weekend.
I'm usually one who, unless it's something really bad, will try to push through not feeling good and still get things done. Especially if I had something specific planned for that day (I'm doing a bit of that today in fact :P). For some reason though, the fact that it was a Saturday made me feel perfectly okay taking a sick day. I climbed into my flannel pajamas and spent the day between doing something on the couch, or laying in bed. Then of course Sunday I stayed home and got even more rest. Trying not to push myself too hard today, but there's something about weekdays that makes me feel like I should be accomplishing SOMETHING.
2) Modern technology.
Our church records the sermons every week and posts them on our website, so I was able to sit on the couch and crochet while still listening to some good teaching on Sunday.
3) Handcrafts.
For the days when my body is tired, but my mind is awake. I can sit on the couch and rest, but still be occupying my brain and hands.
4) Cuddles.
They say misery loves company, but that's just not true when 'company' is your 5 month old you gave a cold to. On the bright side he's more cuddly, and I have more time to cuddle him.
5) Easy, preplanned dinners, and a husband who doesn't mind eating leftovers for supper.
That one's pretty self explanatory. ;)
6) Hot tea with honey.
I love me some coffee, but when your head feels stuffed and your throat is scratchy, hot tea is just right.
How do you handle head colds? What are you most thankful for when you're sick?
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