Thursday, January 30, 2014


One of the reasons I haven't posted anything in a while is because I keep thinking I'm going to upload some pics for my posts. And since it takes twice as long to do that as it does to just type, I end up getting distracted or remembering something I had to do. (Sometimes I just get bored) ; ) Anyway, all that to say, I'll probably have a lot of picture-less posts.

I know nearly everyone else who has a blog in Alabama is posting about this, so I figured it was about time I did too.

It snowed!! It snowed a lot. In fact it's now day three and there's still snow on the ground. We've really enjoyed it. I haven't actually been out in it a whole lot, but it's neat to look out the window and see everything all sparkly and white. The only down side is that it won't pack. No snow men, no snow ball fights! There was a lot of snow art, however, angels and infinity signs and initials and such stomped into the snow.

Maybe later I'll post some pics. Or maybe not. ; )  

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