Thursday, May 29, 2014

I'm Engaged!!!

I'm so excited! I really can't put into words how incredible this whole journey has been so far. Josh is such a wonderful blessing from God, and I am so thankful for him!

He was very sneaky about all this. Everyone in our church and a few other friends were invited to an open house for Josh. So everyone was there for the big question. =D

 This was taken pre-proposal. In Josh's hand you can see the Cracker Jack box which contains a very special prize!


Josh very nonchalantly hands me his Cracker Jack prize. "You want to see what's in there?" he asks. "Sure." Says unsuspecting me. I couldn't get it open! I was so confused, why is there tape on this one? What on earth's in it? Mine wasn't this lumpy! Daddy, standing next to me knew that Josh was proposing that day, but didn't know the ring was in the package. So when he sees me having so much trouble he helps out, cutting the top open with his knife. Then I look inside. I was completely surprised! 
(As much as I love these pics I really wish you could see Josh's face in them.)

Here's the proposal video!

 Josh prays over our marriage to come, and the house.

Yes we're hugging. The rules change a little when you're engaged!!

Putting on the ring.

My parents next to Josh, his next to me.

The ring. It's so beautiful!

Flowers from Josh. Also lovely. =)

God is so good!!

Monday, May 19, 2014

A Grand Day Out

About a week ago I went on an outing with Joshua's sister, Courtney and our friend Valerie, to the Pie Lab in Greensboro. It was a neat old town with some really neat old houses in and around it. I took a lot of pictures.

Some of the houses we saw on the way to Greensboro.

I felt sorry for this one. It could be so pretty! Someone needs to love that house.



While we were there, we visited some of the other shops. One of them was HERObike, where they use bamboo to make bikes!

Can you see the bamboo?

I had to post this. Valerie pointed out the hinges on the doors to HERObike. Aren't they gorgeous?

On to the Pie Lab!

Lunch was so good!

As was the pie! Mine was the coconut chess on the left, Valerie's was snickerdoodle, (middle), and Courtney got chocolate peanut butter. 

Shameless selfie.

Leaving the Pie Lab.

Valerie and her husband had some cows for sale at the stockyard, and we were in the area, so we decided to go check it out.

On the catwalk. 

    On the way back home we saw this neat house, and when we slowed down to take pictures, noticed it had an 'open' sign in the window. So we went to check it out! It turned out to be Auburn University Rural Studio, which I believe they said is a branch of Auburn's School of Architecture. The students live there, (the girls in the house, the boys in pods out back) and work on their projects. If you're interested in learning more about it, they have a website:

The boy's pods. The only students still there were girls, (the rest were on summer break as far as I can remember) so they let us look at the pods.

This one's made of cardboard! Seriously, I'm not kidding!

This one's covered in license plates.

A walkway to one of the other pods.

Can you tell architectural students live here?

Some interior decoration in one of the pods.

After we looked at the pods, the staff suggested we drive down the road a little ways and look at some of the student's projects. One of the students was still there and she showed us around I guess. I'm not sure what she called it, but it's where all the work gets done.


There were little models all over the place.

And a flying book! We saw quirky things like this all over the place.

   After that we went home. I don't know about the other two, but my feet were killing me! It was a lot of fun, though, and I hope we'll be able to set up another outing soon!

Saturday, May 10, 2014


Every year Canadian Geese come and nest in our yard. After the flooding this year the only nest we knew about was destroyed, so we were afraid we wouldn't see any goslings. So imagine our excitement when these little guys walked into our yard!

They're so much fun to watch, and super cute! We're very happy they survived the flood.

Friday, May 9, 2014

Outings With Josh

No, I haven't dropped off the face of the earth. I'm just a lazy blogger. And in keeping with that fact I'm just going to do one large 'Josh and Kylie's various outings' post. Meaning one or two pictures and a sentence or two for each trip. Hey, at least I'm posting something.

One of the days we were out house hunting we went to Juanes for lunch. It was the first I'd heard of the place. It was really good. Of course, I'm always in the mood for Mexican food! =)

Here we are on the way to a dance. Den and Courtney were in the front seat, so they aren't in the picture. 

There were quite a few of us piled in that car!

And here we are hanging out with some friends,

and after a trip to see his great grandmother,

and at Ihop,

and after seeing The Secret Life of Walter Mitty,

and at church,

and playing Stratego,

and eating pizza,

and at the hospital meeting baby Owen.

Isn't he precious? 

Had enough? I hope not, 'cuz I'm sure there'll be more. I still haven't posted about our trip to the Ave Maria Grotto, or The Shrine of the Most Blessed Sacrament, or his new house, or---well, you get the idea; I'm behind!